Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Brief Chronicles Volume Seven Now Available!

A message from SOF president Tom Regnier

Dear Oxfordians,

It is with mixed feelings that I announce the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship’s publication of Volume 7 of our superb journal, Brief Chronicles — now available online and in print. On the one hand, there is great excitement and satisfaction because this 198-page volume contains many fascinating articles.

Roger Stritmatter
Roger Stritmatter
Detail of Cover of Brief Chronicles Vol. 7
Detail of Cover of Brief Chronicles Vol. 7

On the other hand, there is sadness because our general editor, Dr. Roger Stritmatter, has, after careful consideration, decided to step down from his post at Brief Chronicles so that he may devote more time to his scholarly pursuits. I am sure that while we will miss the benefit of Roger’s editing skills, we will be greatly enriched by his increased scholarly output. As most of you know, Roger’s doctoral thesis on the annotations in Edward de Vere’s Geneva Bible is a landmark of Oxfordian scholarship, and Roger has since then continued to produce scholarship that adds to the case for Oxford. As Roger says in his introduction to this issue:

Setting aside an endeavor involving the large emotional and intellectual investment that has been put into Brief Chronicles is not easy. Despite the occasional trials, I believe the series has established a permanent and significant place in the history of authorship studies. Your editor, on the other hand, is increasingly desirous to devote more time to his own writing projects, which include several books and a flotilla of unpublished and sometimes only half-conceived articles, all remaining “murdered in the waste bottom of my chests” from a lack of proper attention.

After receiving news of Roger’s decision to leave the helm of Brief Chronicles, the SOF Board of Trustees has decided, with Roger’s agreement but still with considerable reluctance, to suspend publication of the journal. We feel that Brief Chronicles was so intimately connected to Roger’s vision that it would not be the same journal without him. Furthermore, the SOF still has a thriving journal in The Oxfordian, edited by Chris Pannell, and we decided that our best course would be to focus our resources on a single journal.

On behalf of the entire SOF, I commend Roger Stritmatter and his two co-editors, Michael Delahoyde and Gary Goldstein, for producing this fine journal. Thanks also to the outstanding writers/researchers who contributed their many intellectually challenging articles to this venture.

Of course, all issues of Brief Chronicles will remain forever available on the SOF website. And, in order to commemorate and celebrate the joys that Brief Chronicles has brought us over the years, we have decided to share this last issue more broadly by making it freely available on our website, so that you may now access all BC articles, past and present, without a password on our Brief Chronicles page.

You can also purchase a printed copy of Brief Chronicles 7 on Amazon.com for the low price of $9.99, plus shipping. BC 7 contains the following entries:

  1. “Farewell . . . . and Hello Again” by Roger Stritmatter.
  2. “Who Wrote the First Biography of Shakespeare? It was not Nicholas Rowe in 1709!” by Kevin Gilvary.
  3. “Greed and Generosity in the Shakespearean Question” by Richard M. Waugaman.
  4. “An Arrogant Joseph Hall and an Angry Edward de Vere in Virgidemiarum [1599]” by Carolyn Morris.
  5. “Teaching the Sonnets and de Vere’s Biography at School – Opportunities and Risks” by Elke Brackmann and Robert Detobel.
  6. “Oxford and The Arte of English Poesie” by Richard Malim.
  7. “Edward de Vere: Translator of Johan Sturm’s A Ritch Storehouse or Treasurie for Nobilitie and Gentlemen?” by Richard M. Waugaman.
  8. “Engaging Academia: Some Thoughts” by James Warren.
  9. Exchange of Letters between James Warren and John Shahan.

Happy reading! Once you have read this issue of Brief Chronicles — either online or in print — be sure to review it on Amazon.

Brief Chronicles 6 (2015) is also available on Amazon for only $9.99, plus shipping, as are The Oxfordian, Vol. 17 (2015) and Vol. 18 (2016).

[posted January 13, 2017]


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