Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Boston Globe Obituary: Elliott Stone, 79, lover of art, including the art of conversation

It is my sad duty to post this obituary about a fellow Oxfordian and former member of the Shakespeare Oxford Society’s Board of Trustees.  I served with Elliott on the Board for a few years and was very fond of him.  He was a tireless, informed and well-respected advocate of the Earl of Oxford as the man behind the Shakespeare works.  Elliott’s energy, devotion, and strong and reasoned voice will be missed.  Here are a few graphs from and a link to the complete obituary that ran in the Boston Globe.   BTW … I learned something about Elliott in the obituary.  I had no idea he ran against Tip O’Neill for Congress.   With my deepest condolences to Elliott’s family … Matthew



Arguing without being argumentative, Elliott Stone brought the vibrancy of youth throughout his life to discussions of his passions in art and literature that he conceded some might find obsessive.

“I am deeply involved in promoting the case of Edward de Vere, 17th earl of Oxford, as the true author of the Shakespeare canon,’’ he wrote several years ago, adding that “my friends and relatives are all aware of my need to immerse myself in this topic and do their best to interest me in other topics.’’

They didn’t have to work too hard. For Mr. Stone, taking the Bard of Avon down a notch always took a back seat to showering generous attention on those around him.

“Dad looked at the interests of each child and grandchild specifically and individually — from football to tennis to elephants,’’ his daughter Leslie, of Brooklyn, N.Y., said at his memorial service last month. “He took the time to talk to people and took an interest in their interests.’’

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