Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Behind the Scenes at the SOF Newsletter with Heidi Jannsch

Meet Heidi Jannsch, new editor of the SOF Newsletter! She chats with Bob Meyers about how she became involved with publication of the much admired quarterly and her vision for its future. Heidi took over the role in early 2024, when longtime editor Alex McNeil retired from that position. Alex remains involved with the Newsletter — and of course you can see him at the Blue Boar Tavern!

The SOF Newsletter Summer 2024 edition, Heidi’s third issue as editor (supported by behind the scenes powerhouse Lucinda Foulke), just dropped. Don’t miss it!

Watch Heidi’s interview:

And be sure to check out other Behind the Scenes talks here.


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