Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Beauclerk opens US book tour in Portland April 7

Former Shakespeare Oxford Society president (1995-97) Charles Beauclerk will kick off his US book tour April 7, 2010  in Portland, Oregon. Beauclerk will launch Shakespeare’s Lost Kingdom: The True History of Shakespeare and Elizabeth (Grove Press) as the keynote speaker at the Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference at Concordia University.

Publisher Grove Press says of the book:

Beauclerk has spent more than two decades researching the authorship question, and he convincingly argues that if the plays and poems of ‘Shake-speare’ were discovered today, we would see them for what they are—shocking political works written by a court insider, someone whose status and anonymity shielded him from repression in an unstable time of armada and reformation.

Shakespeare Authorship Research Centre Director Daniel Wright, PhD who organized the Concordia conference where Beauclerk will speak, said Beauclerk’s book about that “court insider” Edward de Vere will debut at the same time as James Shapiro’s book on the Shakespeare authorship question, Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare?
(See SOS News Online review of Contested Will.)

Wright said:

The American launch of Charles Beauclerk’s latest book, Shakespeare’s Lost Kingdom: The True History of Shakespeare and Elizabeth, will take place on the Concordia University campus in the George R White Library  & Learning Center, at 7:30 pm on Wednesday evening, April 7 — the night before the Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference officially opens.

Charles will speak about the significance of his achievement in this majestic work and will follow his presentation with a book signing for those who want to acquire his book — there will be hundreds of copies at this Concordia Universtiy event, the first day the book will be available in the US.

Grove Press, the British publisher, has selected Concordia Universtiy and the Shakespeare Authorship Research Centre as the North American home for this effort to counter the same-day release — in London, by Simon and Schuster — of James Shapiro’s latest flat-earth defense of the Stratford man: Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare? (Yes, on top of the recent lame bios/defenses of the Stratford man by Greenblatt, Bryson, Wood, et al, ad infinitum; Shapiro now tosses his argumentative hat into the ring.)

The Beauclerk launch is an historic event you do not want to miss. A reception with cake and coffee will follow in the Shakespeare Authorship Research Centre where you will be able to converse with Charles regarding his new, breakthrough book.

We anticipate a lot of media coverage of this event, so you may get the chance to share your authorship  convictions and responses to Charles’ book with newspaper and television journalists.


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