Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Applications for SOF Editorial Positions Sought

Shakespeare Oxford FellowshipThe Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship is soliciting applications for the positions of editors of our member-supported activities. The Oxfordian and the Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter are outstanding publications that form the backbone of our endeavor to examine and promote the Oxfordian authorship theory. They have been guided by a long succession of dedicated editors and supportive, volunteer contributors. To this rich educational environment we are adding the position of social media editor.

The Oxfordian is the Fellowship’s peer-reviewed annual academic publication.
Its 25th edition was published this year.

  • The content of the Oxfordian is intended to advance or clarify the Shakespeare
    attribution pertaining to Edward de Vere, the 17 th Earl of Oxford; William Shakespeare,
    traditionally identified as the author; or other historical or literary issues involving
    authorship in 16th and 17th century England.
  • Oxfordian editions typically include 10-15 articles of original research related to the
    Shakespeare Authorship Question, plus book reviews, letters to the editor, and other
    items. The 25th edition has more than 300 pages.
  • The editor selects and works with an advisory board whose members make initial
    judgement on the suitability of the article and/or suggest changes.
  • The editor is responsible for meeting deadlines, acting as an intermediary between
    authors and advisors, interacting with layout and copy editing personnel, etc.
  • The editor is independent of the SOF Board, but is expected to communicate with the
    Chair of the Communications Committee regarding progress on editions and resolution
    of any disputes.
  • There is an annual stipend and expenses are reimbursed.
  • Complimentary registration for SOF annual conferences included.
  • The successful applicant will have proof of previous editing experience.
  • The position is available starting in December 2023. There is no application form. To
    apply send material to apply@shakespeareoxfordfellowship.org.

The Shakespeare Oxford Newsletter is published four times a year.

  • It contains articles, letters, essays, book reviews and other information of interest to
    the Shakespearean authorship community. Typical recent issues have contained 32 pages.
  • The Editor is responsible for gathering and soliciting material for the publication, editing
    manuscripts, arranging for printing, etc.
  • Copy editing and layout services may be provided by outside contractors or volunteers.
  • The editor is independent of the SOF Board, but is expected to communicate with the
    Chair of the Communications Committee regarding progress on editions and resolution
    of any disputes.
  • There is an annual stipend and expenses are reimbursed.
  • Complimentary registration for SOF annual conferences included.
  • The position is available starting in December 2023. There is no application form. To
    apply send material to apply@shakespeareoxfordfellowship.org.

Social Media Editor. The organization seeks an energetic leader who is
familiar with social media platforms and with the issues of the Shakespeare Authorship

  • The editor will work with the Board of Trustees and designated members to craft a
    social media policy and implement it on a regular basis.
  •  Prior experience helpful.
  •  Complimentary registration for SOF annual conferences included.
  • There is an annual stipend and expenses are reimbursed.
  • The position is available starting in December 2023. There is no application form.
    To apply send information to apply@shakespeareoxfordfellowship.org.

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Blue Boar Tavern: Wassail Q&A
Tuesday Dec. 17, 8pm E / 5pm P

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