Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Angela Michelle’s Hubpages Article about Shakespeare Authorship Issue

Just calling your attention to this interesting article on Hubpages about the authorship issue and Edward de Vere.  Scroll down and you’ll find a survey question.  Scroll down even further and there’s a video of Mark Anderson’s TV interview about his book Shakespeare By Another Name.  Worth watching!  Matthew

Here’s the link:  http://hubpages.com/hub/Did-Shakespeare-Really-Write-His-Own-Stuff

William Shakespeare and The Authorship Debate: Did He Really Write His Own Stuff

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William Shakespeare is one of the most famous names of all time, due to his tremendous success as a playwright and poet. In fact, his success seems so incredible that many skeptics question the authorship of his sonnets and plays. Although a majority believe he was a legendary playwright and actor from Stratford-upon-Avon who was christened William Shakespeare. Others theorize that Shakespeare is actually a pseudonym for a group of playwrights. There are many theories in between, which name various men, such as Edward Bacon or Christopher Marlowe, as the true William Shakespeare. One of the more common beliefs is that the true author of the Shakespearean works is Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford. He is believed to have used “William Shakespeare” as a pseudonym to mask his true identity. Evidence for this theory is based on the lack of evidence for Shakespeare the playwright, the credentials of the Earl of Oxford, and the similarities between the Shakespearean characters and Edward de Vere’s life.


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