Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

July 23, 2006

The Battle over Funeral Elegy

Although it is now well known the Funeral Elegy was written by John Ford, not Shakespeare, this article still contains some interesting information. It should be noted that an article by Prof. Gilles Monsarrat which put to rest the assertion that Shakespeare wrote Elegy was informed by Richard Kennedy, an Oxfordian and the first to correctly attribute the poem to John Ford.

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Interview with Charlton Ogburn

In the first issue of Apostrophe, a new publication from the University of South Carolina in Beaufort, editor Sheila Tombe talks with Charlton Ogburn about his life-long mission to convince the world of the Edward de Vere’s authorship of the Shakespeare Canon.

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The Tempest and the Bermuda Shipwreck of 1609

This article by Peter Moore first appeared on the Oxfordian page of The Shakespeare Newsletter (Fall, 1991). While it deals only in part with the dating of The Tempest, it does help to remind readers that the dating of Shakespeare’s plays has been, and continues to be, a problem for all scholars. There is no certainity in any of it, but rather only speculation which must be based on careful consideration of all the facts and all the sources.

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The Dates of Shakespeare’s Plays

A common objection to the Earl of Oxford as the author of Shakespeare’s works is that he died in 1604, while perhaps a dozen of Shakespeare’s plays are said to be written after that date. This article briefly examines this aspect of the authorship controversy.

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