Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

Ever Reader 2

Winter 1996

Notes Towards an Elizabethan Twelfth Night

The role of the allowed fool in Shakespeare is a complex subject. In this thought-provoking article, Charles Boyle helps us to understand what Shakespeare’s fool in Twelfth Night is saying, and, more importantly, who the fool probably represents.

The Problem of The Funeral Elegy

Can deductive reasoning lead to solving Shakespeare authorship problems? Joe Sobran writes an interesting exchange between Holmes and Watson as they discuss The Funeral Elegy and Professor Donald Foster’s assertion that his computer analysis reveals the poem was indeed authored by the Bard.

Invalid Logic and The Slippery Stratfordian

In this thought provoking article, Leonard Deming explains the fallacies of logic with particular attention paid to the nonsensical arguments that Stratfordians make in attempting to defend their orthodoxy. This article is must-read homework for anyone discussing the Shakespeare authorship question with defenders of the Stratford myth.

A Little More than Kuhn, and Less than Kind

Mark Anderson takes a look at the Stratfordian theory of Shakespeare authorship from the perspective of Thomas Kuhn’s seminal book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. He shows convincingly that the Stratfordian theory of authorship is an endangered species in spite of the assertions of its supporters to the contrary.

Shakespeare’s Use of Language

In this intriguing study, Stephanie Caruana examines the use of the expression “em” and “them” in the Shakespeare Canon. She discovers several curious things about the frequency of occurrence of these terms in the works of Shakespeare and makes a few interesting speculations about what they mean for the authorship question.

An Update on the Controversy Surrounding A Funeral Elegy

In this article, Stephanie Caruana provides an update to the controversy over the authorship of A Funeral Elegy, a topic that has several Stratfordians and Oxfordians on the same page! Donald Foster’s assignation of A Funeral Elegy, to Shakespeare casts another cloud over the use (and misuse) of computerized stylometrics to shore up the dying thesis that a rustic grain dealer and theater entrepreneur wrote the works of the Bard.

Allusions to Edmund Campion in Twelfth Night

Richard Desper reviews data indicating that the Catholic priest Edmund Campion is referred to in the Shakespeare play 12th Night. He points out some interesting connections to Edward de Vere by way of Anthony Munday.

De Vere: Man of Independence

Richard Whalen’s paper offers some intriguing evidence that Edward de Vere and the Shakespeare Canon may have been linked in some people’s minds nearly 100 or more years before Looney’s Shakespeare Identified was published.


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