Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 


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To improve readability of the SOS blog, we are testing a new design based on the WordPress “Simpla” by Phu Ly. Please weigh in with

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Focus on Der Mann

Robert Detobel reports that Germany’s Focus magazine has published a notice about Kurt Kreiler’s new Shakespeare biography, Der Mann, der Shakespeare erfund: Edward de Vere

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SAT Gathering Nov. 15

The Shakespeare Authorship Trust will hold its “Gathering for all Authorship Hunter Gatherers: Challenging Authority” November 15, 2009 at Shakespeare’s Globe, Bankside, London. The program,

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Der Mann

Robert Detobel reported that Kurt Kreiler’s book, Der Mann, der Shakespeare erfand: Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford (1550-1604), was published this month in Frankfurt.

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Limited academic inquiry

The University of Pennsylvania reports that Duncan Salkeld, senior lecturer in English at the University of Chichester, will host a day conference on the topic

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Dr. Andrew Hannas passed on

Mark Anderson reported that Oxfordian researcher Dr. Andrew Hannas, 58, died accidentially September 24 at his home in Lafayette, Indiana. Information from the Soller-Baker Funeral

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