Exploring the evidence that the works of Shakespeare were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford 

2015 SOF Conference

September 24-27, 2015 | Ashland, Oregon


OSF_Elizabethan_StageThe Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship will hold its 2015 annual conference and membership meeting at the historic landmark Ashland Springs Hotel in Ashland, Oregon, home of the Tony Award-winning Oregon Shakespeare Festival. From Thursday, September 24 through Sunday, September 27 the conference will convene daily with evening productions at the festival. Appetizers at the opening reception, two buffet lunches, and an awards banquet are included in the program.



Buy-now-buttonConference Admission   Options for full or partial attendance.
(Tickets to OSF theatre productions must be purchased separately, below)    

buy_buttonOSF Theatre Tickets   Full 4-Ticket package is available, as well as a la carte options for single plays.


PROGRAM  This year’s conference will feature a number of British scholars who have been engaged very actively in the authorship debate, including Kevin Gilvary (Chairman of the De Vere Society), Alexander Waugh (President of the Shakespeare Authorship Coalition), Dr. Ros Barber and Julia Cleave (Trustees of the Shakespearean Authorship Trust), and Dr. Heward Wilkinson. In addition, Professors Roger Stritmatter, Michael Delahoyde, Don Rubin and Wally Hurst, as well as authors Mark Anderson and Katherine Chiljan, and editor James Warren have all proposed papers for what promises to be an outstanding educational and theatrical program. The full conference schedule is available here.


Group theatre tickets for OSF productions of Much Ado about Nothing (9/24), Antony and Cleopatra (9/25), and Pericles (9/26)  were previously available for our conference group, but as of Aug. 21, these group tickets have SOLD OUT. Contact program chair Earl Showerman regarding discount ticket availability or go to the OSF website for further information on the plays in production at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.

For conference registrants unable to attend the OSF production of Pericles, a video of the 1984 BBC production of Pericles will be screened the same evening in the conference ballroom.

For information on the complete program, see Oregon Shakespeare Festival. The fall program of plays also includes Guys and Dolls, Long Day’s Journey into Night, The Count of Monte Cristo, Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land, Sweat, The Happiest Song Plays Last, and Head Over Heels.


Early registrations have been so robust that the block of rooms reserved for our group at the historic Ashland Springs Hotel, where the conference will be held, has been completely booked.

A discounted group rate of $139/night for rooms at the Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites is still available, however, for conference attendees, although these lodgings are located several miles from the Ashland Springs Hotel and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival theaters. While no shuttle service is provided by the Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites, program organizers will assist with the personal transportation needs of conference attendees. To make your reservation at the Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites, call 541-482-8310 and say you are attending the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship conference.

The Columbia Hotel and the Stratford Inn are alternative lodging choices with comparable room rates located a short distance from the Ashland Springs Hotel. The Bard’s Inn and Plaza Inn & Suites are also nearby, but have higher room rates.

For other choices of accommodations, see the Plan Your Visit option on the Oregon Shakespeare Festival website.

MORE INFORMATION  For additional information on registration, Oregon Shakespeare Festival tickets, or questions regarding travel, contact Earl Showerman at earlees@charter.net.


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